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The ES Encyclopedia supplies an ever-growing body of short articles and descriptions of people, places and things that inhabit the world of The Eylau Sequence. It is a great help to those wishing for a better understanding of the background to current Eylau Sequence short stories and gaming. If there is a favorite entry that you would like to see added, please let us know.
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Uniforms, Military — Modern military clothing serves a variety of purposes, including protection from the elements, camouflage against direct observation, and as a buffer against enemy chemical and MEK forces. They also serve as platforms for various gear systems that augment the basic military outfit. As with civilian clothing, military uniforms are made in a bewildering variety of patterns, functions and types. Some are partially armored and others are not. Some include extensive medical and survival modules whereas others are designed for non-combat roles ranging from work and exercise to dress uniforms. The later are still very subdued in comparison to the lavishly decorated dress uniforms of the pre-glacial era.

Two key visual elements to the modern combat uniform are its complete enclosure of the human form - including the face and hands; and it's native camouflage abilities which allow it to change tones and shades in response to anticipated backgrounds. Large areas of the uniform's surface are covered with a fine hair similar to that of a horse in general appearance. It lays very flat against the weave of the supporting material and is absent in key areas such as the hands, face, most areas of the head and the feet. As with most civilian clothing, military uniforms offer full foot and ankle support and depending on assignment areas this support is usually dynamic.

The portion of the uniform which encompasses the head is usually called the hood. It lays very close to the head considering the phenomenal number of sensor and display systems integrated into it. Two large combination sensor/displays cover the eyes, and a complimentary array of sensors are positioned around the head in order to guarantee a 360° field of view on command. The internal displays compliment the In Eye systems used for ocular and display purposes. The end result is a 99% realistic visual experience with all the benefits of a modern 3D interface. Uniform hoods can be opened via a self-welding seam up the middle, and folded over the back of the neck for temporary access, especially for meals. Military personnel in combat zones are not usually allowed to open their hoods, and those based inside structures or on-board ships and vehicles must be in sealed compartments before breaking the seals on their uniforms.

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