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The ES Encyclopedia supplies an ever-growing body of short articles and descriptions of people, places and things that inhabit the world of The Eylau Sequence. It is a great help to those wishing for a better understanding of the background to current Eylau Sequence short stories and gaming. If there is a favorite entry that you would like to see added, please let us know.
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Bali — The largest and most powerful of the territories stretched over the long miles between Selangor and Australia, Bali benefitted from its island position and the relatively weak Indonesian government which existed during pre-glacial times. Cut off for decades, the Balinese managed to survive tumultuous world events with a population of several hundred thousand - an admirable accomplishment given the dire state of affairs worldwide. A varied population of numerous nationalities willing to mix and work together was a key factor in Bali's survival and eventual rise to power as a regional territory which managed to play Selangor and Australia off against each other in order to maintain relative independence. Eventually Selangor's movement into old Indonesia resulted in Bali's increasing reliance on Australia for aid. The territory is now closely allied to Australia.

Batur — Scientific name is homo silvensis. The Batur were first race of sentient beings invented by humans. They were created by professor Joao de Silva of Curitiba University in response to doubts about the comparatively large homo sapiens' ability to survive the onset of the glacial. The Batur are small - averaging roughly 1.3 meters in height - and quite slender. They walk upright like humans but they have far more body hair and their appearance is reminiscent of various species of monkeys or juvenile marmosets. They are also extremely intelligent and are famous for their manual dexterity, which far exceeds that of humans – a highly skilled batur officer once manually plucked nearly a hundred enemy MGVs off the interior of his aircraft canopy as the attackers deployed through a fracture in the fuselage, an achievement impossible for homo sapien.

The Batur have been very successful living in post-glacial areas which were mostly uninhabitable by humans, apparently justifying Dr. de Silva's rationale for their creation. The Batur live mostly in Brazil, California, Australia and the Mediterranean States. The co-inventor of the original Lev-Drive system, Dr. Govaco Pasar, was a Batur.

The batur language is Kitak, which is a highly modified dialect of Brasilian Portuguese. In daily exchanges with humans, the batur often come across as serious and very literal in their interpretation of their human compatriots. This is not a cultural or racial trait, it is merely a language barrier issue. Even humans speaking in a second or third language commonly interpret literally as a primary instinct, and it takes a great familiarity with a language to break out of the literal interpretation loop.

Controversy: Assigning the genus homo to the Batur was considered improper by some, as the Batur do not precisely fit into this category. A part of the scientific community wanted new family and genus names created, but in the end it was decided that a shared genus would aid in the Batur's relations with human society. Interestingly, the rather conservative Batur tend to agree with the original view, but at this point it is too late to change the classification.

Blacktip — The K717 Blacktip was an early model photon weapon unit built at a state owned defense factory (Factory #4456), later converted to deploy standard Class C weapons. Like its stablemate the K817 Blue, the Blacktip is an economically designed unit built with a minimum of exotic materials. It features a large hull and a prominent weapon port forward that was initially mistaken as a network antennae. Despite its older design, its large hull remains an efficient and upgradeable weapons platform. The most recent models are well armored and often used to stiffen a general advance. Like all other Selangor MGV units, the K717 is named after a species of shark.

Blue — The K817 Blue is a medium MGV built by the Selangor armed forces at its state owned factory in Surin (Factory #4456). It is not particularly sophisticated, but it is cheap to build (uses no exotic materials), has an acceptably narrow profile for handling and unlike many other MGV units built world-wide, the Blue is available for purchase on the open arms market. As such, it is often seen in use by countries and territories who have no domestic MGV construction capabilities. It uses a basic but reliable Class C weapon system and includes dual drive transducers.

Like all other Selangor MGV units, the K817 is named after a species of shark.

Brasil — A country taking up most of the habitable portions of South America, Brasil was one of the best positioned countries on the globe when it came to post ice age recovery. Besides being rich in natural resources and having a strategic position astride the equator, Brasil's pre-glacial population was already so polarized that the inevitable violence came more quickly and resolved itself with efficient ferocity. This paradoxically made for a speedier transition to a post-glacial economy and put the few survivors on a path to recovery while the major industrialized nations were still disintegrating under the strains of famine and civil war.

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