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The ES Encyclopedia supplies an ever-growing body of short articles and descriptions of people, places and things that inhabit the world of The Eylau Sequence. It is a great help to those wishing for a better understanding of the background to current Eylau Sequence short stories and gaming. If there is a favorite entry that you would like to see added, please let us know.
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Nengghi - A 40 year old former robotics technician of Balinese descent. She was gravely injured in a work related accident whilst on contract running maintenace for Australian Army repair systems at a base in Eastern Java (Basically, she worked on the units that worked on Australian tanks). Due to corruption in the Balinese commerical and government sectors, her injuries remained relatively untreated by modern standards. She stayed with friends and worked numerous odd jobs as she was able until being recruited by Major Stave Gibson, an intelligence officer in the Australian Army.

Ng, Annia - A 34 year old fire control officer in the Australian armed forces, Lieutenant Ng was killed in the attack on the Tars Peliti base on Mars. She had been in the service for only three years following her graduation from the Australian Military Academy and was a volunteer for Mars service. Her attack profile was credited with wiping out over half of the attacking Selangor orbital forces as well as inflicting heavy casualties on distant Selangor ground forces.

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